We live in a very visually judgmental world. All the time, people are perceiving their surroundings and judging how those environments can be altered or improved. We are in the…
7 Great Tips for Designing Effective Infographics
Infographics, or information graphics, tend to catch a lot of attention online. Some sources claim these information-based designs are 30 times more likely to be viewed than text because of…
10 Simple Tips to Increase Workplace Productivity
The office is supposed to be a place for productivity and efficiency, but we are all aware that isn’t always the case. In fact sometimes, your workplace can become one…
Concept of Payroll Website Development
Payrolls are undoubtedly a great concern for all the account management professionals in a corporate organization. Keeping track of payroll payments is somewhat a challenge as they directly affect the…
Hot Web Design Trends to Watch Out For In 2012
A website’s design is one of its most important aspects. Done correctly, it can attract valuable traffic and spell success for any website owner, while on the other hand, a…