If you want to grow the traffic for your blog, you will have to take many aspects into consideration. You must make everything right, and a good blog or website is a combination of factors that will ultimately lead to the success you desire. How is that possible? By using a series of tools, such as SEO, link building and social media promoting. However, even if those tools are effective, you will also need a series of tools that will determine the effectiveness of your blog. One of the most important indices of this kind is the Bounce Rate, as it shows how interesting your blog is for the readers.
What is the Bounce Rate?
– the percentage of unique visits on a website
– an effective and objective indicator
The Bounce Rate is the indicator that displays the number of unique visits on a website. The bounce rate was needed as a qualitative indicator, as the visitor might enter or exit the website for many reasons. Therefore, the Bounce Rate is calculated with the purpose of determining why the page is accessed through an external link, or if the visitor used the Back button from the browser, or if he was inactive with the page for more than 30 minutes.
Let’s suppose that a visitor finds your page on Google. If the visitor remains only for a few seconds there, your Bounce Rate is not that great. On the other hand, if the visitor remains there for a longer time, and if he even enters other pages, than it means you have a small Bounce Rate, which is great. Therefore, if the traffic comes from Google, and its content is relevant for the respective page, than it means your blog is valuable for the respective niche, and that your visitors really have something to see there.
How to calculate the Bounce Rate
The ideal Bounce Rate is under 20 %, but this is an ideal value that is only reached by really valuable and rare resources, pages with interesting content that can’t be found anywhere else. A bounce rate between 20 and 35 % is decent, and above this value is a cause for concern. There is also the bounce rate above 50 %, which is worrying.
Practically, the bounce rate is the indicator that shows how interesting your blog is for the respective visitor. Here are the actions that influence this indicator:
– accessing a link from the website to an external link
– a click on the Back button from the browser
– closing the active window of the tab where the browser is opened
– accessing another site in the respective tab
– inactivity on the main page for more than 30 minutes
All those actions of the user will affect the bounce rate, and the results will determine the efficiency and popularity of your page. The bounce rate might be influenced by other factors also: the visitor might not find what he is looking for on the website, the bounce rate might monitor a landing page, and the monitoring code might not be correctly implemented.
Bounce Rate Infographics
The bounce rate infographic byKissmetrics will help you understand bounce rate more easily.
Your Turn
Let us know if you have any question regarding bounce rate or share your views on how bounce rate affects in achieving your website goals.
Guest Post by Susan Hannan
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Loved the info-graphics by kiss metrics in this article. Images can explain a lot. Excellent post.
Great post. I am still confuse to why my blog reader only stick to one post from Google analytic report. Thanks for the tips, you remind me about not showing my popular post – I have been showing recent post all these while.