
Are You New To Twitter ?? Then Read This.



The basic definition of twitter is its a social networking & micro-blogging website, but its just more than that. After you know about twitter you will definitely find different ways to use twitter. You can find large number of people including celebrities & cooperates using twitter for its simplicity to communicate with their fans & customers. Its more then a year that I am on twitter & enjoying using it. Whenever I have explained my friends about how to use twitter & different things can be done using twitter, I end up creating another twitter addict. So I decided to explain many of you how twitter can be used & why you will love it.


So get your twitter account today. After you log in to  twitter account you will see the interface similar to Facebook Wall where you can post your updates called as tweets, tweets can only be composed of  140 characters & the Wall here is called timeline. So now you think why only 140 characters &  what could be updated in 140 characters.The 140 char limit to make it compatible with SMS services & also make you creative with your writing.

Direct Message

If your thinking of sending private message on twitter then you can used Direct Message also called as DM.  But you can only send direct message to person following you  & you following that person.

Mention @

Now to get in contact in the person who is not in your list is also easy just add @ in front of his username & your tweet will appear in their @username section. Even you can see tweets mentioning you in the similar section of your page. People use @ to reply or just to refer the person in the tweets.


Like any tweet on twitter, you can favorite that tweet & see your favorites tweets later on in the favorite tab, this is very good feature I used often to save certain tweets that I like.


This is on of the best feature on twitter, that is most useful in one way or the other. Its something you wanna show appreciation to any tweet you can do is retweet, so all that tweet will appear to all of your followers. You can even see which of your person you are following as retweeted & who has retweeted your tweets. This is the great way to see your influence on twitter.

Followers Following List

On twitter you have followers, following & list rather then conventional friends list on other social networking website. Here followers means the person who can see your tweets they need not to be your friends to see your tweets. Following is list of the person you are following,  you can follow your friends, large no of peoples based on your interest & celebrities of course to see what they are doing. List is recently launched by twitter its a kind of group that you can create to see what people in those group are talking. You can create list of your favorite celebrities, your friends & more.

Picture & Video Sharing

Yes, you can share pictures & videos on twitter, its through third party website such as, & many other websites which allow users to upload pics & video through mail or direct upload on their website & whose links is shared with your tweets, so user are redirected to other site where they can browse you pictures & videos.

Real Time Search

The Real Time Search by twitter is something very useful for everyone in different way the best example is if your looking for short movie review that has just released an hour ago you can search for it on twitter to see what people are saying about it. This is one example of many that how rapidly you can get any kind of information from the real user.

Trending topics

This is the fun part of twitter, it is number of people on twitter talking on similar topics that are marked with hash tags. That is if large number of people are using #trend in their tweets, it tend to become a trendy topic on twitter. #Music Monday, #Follow Friday, #nowplaying & many other are common trending topics on twitter.

SMS Updates

This is most amazing feature of twitter. You can turn On the SMS updates of your friends to instantly get updates from your friends on your mobile. SMS updates are so instant that as soon as you type in your message & press enter it will reach  your friends who have enabled the updates for you instantly. Me &  My friends enjoy using this services as it gives us instant updates what each of our friends are doing & I can quickly ask any question to my friends & receive the updates immediately. This is what it makes twitter a Real Time Social Networking website on the go.

Personal Background

There is infinite number of things you can do with twitter & having a personal background for your page is one of the them. Having your own background make your page more personal, You can either use your photograph or create you personalized background for twitter using services that offers you to create your very own customized background. Just search for Twitter background & you will get tons of website that will help you create your own background for twitter.


All the above things are the basic things that you can do with Twitter, but I definitely think that once you start using twitter you will use twitter more than any other social networking website. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Leave your comments for any doubts or questions or follow me @webylife

Nikunj Tamboli

I am passionate about my work & love the creative world of web, technology & social media.In spare time I indulge myself into blogging, photography & creating beautiful WordPress sites. You can find me on Twitter @ nikunjt & Get more info about my work at SEO Blog