On April 8, 2010 when Doug Bowman, released the screen shot of New twitter saying that New Twitter will eliminate the needs of using a desktop client, this moved was welcomed by all the twitter member & the new design was the very well received. People on twitter started to make guess about what major changes twitter is going to bring with its new design.

Almost after 6 Months of mystery, on 14 September twitter has introduced its new twitter design to the world with a video on Twitter blog. With the launch of the new design twitter started to give out invites to few of its users & let them allow to test the features of New Twitter. Now twitter has gradually increase the number of invites & now more & more people are able to use the new interface.
So Whats New in #NewTwitter?
With #NewTwitter you can except more user friendliness, faster access to any page as its using Ajax, which means you dont have to leave your present screen to navigate different section of the website, more media compatibility so that you can view video & images right from your twitter interface, related content find more information on what your are looking for and mini profiles get the information about the user instantly.
1.New Design – More User Friendly (Web & Mobile)
New Twitter For Web
The new design is much sleek & user friendly as you will see in screen shot below, it has got clearer top navigation with a sub navigation above the tweets that will help you move through different pages quiet easily & in much faster way. The other thing you will notice is that the new Twitter interface is covering almost 80% of the screen with the new sidebar much broader showing you the usual stuff like people you follow, your followers, suggested users, trending topic & more.
New Twitter For Mobile
Many of you who are using Twitter from mobile phone must have also seen some changes in design in the mobile version, now in mobile version mention, favs & msg section is found just above the tweet, which is more convenient then before as this all link were initially placed below the tweets, which made it difficult user to navigate through pages.
New Design For Web
New Design For Mobile
2.Media Compatibility
Not only Twitter improved its design but also it made it self more media friendly. Twitter has partner with DailyBooth, deviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube, So now you can view different media type directly into your twitter stream without even have to open the link, as from initial stages of twitter people used it to share media file, this feature will be welcomed by many twitter user. Other then sharing videos & images Twitter has included conversation section into its new interface which allows you to see your conversation with others that you have made in reply to their tweets.
Images Sharing
Videos Sharing
Related content & Mini Profile
I found the related content feature useful as its shows the replies, searches & related content from other users when you click on any particular tweet, this will help in finding good content as well as you will know whether the user you are following is not a bot & you can also analyze their network. The mini profile will help user to get in touch with other more quickly then before & without even navigating from you present desktop screen.
Related Content
Mini Profile
Whats New Twitter Lacks ?
The things I was looking for in #NewTwitter & did not found are :
1.Direct Image & Video Upload
2. Auto URL Shortener
3. Scheduling Tweets
I am hoping to see this features coming in next update by Twitter, atleast they should include the url shortner service in their updates. Which will eliminate the use of any other Twitter client to large extent.But till then for advance Twitter users they have to still use other clients for twitter to gain maximum benefits out of it. If you have not yet received invites for new twitter dont worry its going to roll out the updated changes to everyone pretty soon.
Tell us what do you think about the #NewTwitter & what do you think should be the next changes in Twitter in our comment section.
I can’t help but feel that twitter is getting ahead of itself and serving a purpose rather then what it should- a really short and easy rss feed- with the added feature to be able to trasmit feeds over texts. Trying to expand into to much gets it to be to much for me. Simplicity is the art of genius.